Sierra Health and Life Provider Directories

Determine the appropriate provider directory to use based on your patient's health plan ID card.

Does the front and back of his/her health plan ID card look like the one pictured below? If yes, select state of Nevada, Mohave County, Arizona and Washington County, Utah or All Other Areas. If not, scroll down and take a look at the next image.


Please note: UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus must appear on the back of his/her health plan ID card in the area labeled Network in order to access the Choice Plus network.


Does the front and back of his/her health plan ID card look like the one pictured below? If yes, click here. You'll be connected to the Sierra Health and Life plan provider directory for the state of Nevada, Washington County, Utah and Mohave County, Arizona.


If his/her card doesn't look like the cards pictured above, please him/her call 702-242-7700 or 1-800-888-2264, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time.